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    The Knott Scholarship Fund

    Knott Scholarship Funds

    Knott Scholarships are made possible through the Knott Scholarship Funds, established by Henry and Marion Knott. It was the wish of Henry and Marion Knott that academically talented Catholic Students use their gifts and talents to become leaders in their school, community, and the Catholic Church.

    Knott Scholars have access to a network of alumni and current scholars who attended other Catholic schools and universities in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

    There are two types of undergraduate scholarships offered:

    The Marion Burk Knott Scholarship

    The Marion Burk Knott Scholarships are limited to incoming first-year students who are most deserving of assistance because of academic merit. The award is for four years, covers full tuition, and is renewable annually. This award applies to undergraduate work only.

    Eligibility Requirements:

    • Student must be Catholic, as evidenced by the submission of a baptismal certificate and a letter from the current parish. This documentation need only be produced upon award, and will be sent to your enrollment representative at the Mount.
    • Student must reside in and be a registered in a parish in the following counties: Baltimore City, Allegany, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Howard, and Washington counties.
    • Student must possess a 3.0 GPA.
    • Student must take and submit scores for either the SAT or the ACT for consideration.
    • Provide a copy of your Baptism Certificate and a letter from your parish that you are an active member.

    Additional consideration is given to students demonstrating financial need. To be considered for a Marion Burk Knott Scholarship, a student must apply for admission and complete this application.

    The Marion I. and Henry J. Knott Scholarships

    These scholarships provide tuition assistance, with award amounts up to full tuition, renewable annually. Scholarships are awarded solely on the basis of academic merit and service, with no consideration for financial need. This award applies to undergraduate work only.

    Eligibility Requirements:

    • Student must be Catholic, as evidenced by the submission of a baptismal certificate and a letter from the current parish.
    • Student must reside and be a registered parishioner in the following counties: Baltimore City, Allegany, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Howard, and Washington.
    • Student must posses a 3.0 GPA to apply.
    • Student shows evidence of strong extra-curricular involvement in school and community.
    • Student must compete the form below

    Recipients of EITHER the Marion Burk Knott Scholarship OR the Marion I. and Henry J. Knott Scholarship have the following responsibilities:

    Student Responsibilities:

    • Students selected to be Knott Scholars will have ongoing responsibilities in conjunction with receiving their scholarship:
    • Scholars must maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA at the end of each semester. If the student falls below the required GPA, for a semester, they are placed on probation. If the GPA does not meet the requirements at the end of the next semester, the scholarship is terminated. Grades will be monitored by the Knott Scholarship Funds office.
    • Complete an annual “Scholar Profile”
    • Participate in various events sponsored by the Knott Scholarship Funds and Mount St. Mary's University
    • Upon award, sign an agreement with the Knott Scholarship Funds.
    Please provide the following information to be considered:
    Mailing Address
    Mailing Address
    Selection of student scholarship recipients will be determined by March 1, 2024, with applications due by February 15. All applicants will be notified by email.